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Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Reviews Are In! Total Recall

Here it is guys! We got the chance to watch Total Recall and are here to share our reviews! Surprisingly, we all had similar thoughts this time around. We kept it short and simple this time around. So lets see, should you see it....or skip it?


Andrea - Total Recall? More like Total Disappointment! The only thing I liked were the futuristic tech visuals and a fighting scene between the two chicks.
RATING : 2/5


Claudia - Movie kept dragging! I felt like some scenes could have been edited out. Too long that I yawned a couple times. The only pro was the CGI and that elevator scene with Kate Beckinsale sliding like a ninja.
RATING : 2/5

Ivet -  Recall Room Scene was my favorite. The camera angles and shots for that scene were badass! It felt too long. I liked the CGI and visuals. I liked the China Town scenes ( nightlife and boats). It was a disappointment, I was expecting more. This movie was a definite flop!

RATING : 2/5


Tati - The girl with the 3 tits was the most interesting part of the movie.

RATING : 1.5/5

Overall: Skip it, wait for it on DVD!!!!
If you've watched the movie, let us know what you think!
Feel free to agree or disagree with us!
Leave us a comment through facebook, twiiter, or at the comment section below!


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